A criterion for blow up in finite time of a system of 1-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations

López Mimbela José Alfredo

Identifying paths to start the software process improvement in software development organizations

Mejia Miranda Jezreel

Survey of Scientific Programming Techniques for the Management of Data-Intensive Engineering Environments

Mejia Miranda Jezreel

Scientific Programming Techniques and Algorithms for Data-Intensive Engineering Environments.

Mejia Miranda Jezreel

Applying Gamification Elements to Build Teams for Software Development

Mejia Miranda Jezreel, Muñoz Mata Mirna Ariadna

Analyzing the requirements to implement a data analysis model for software process improvement

Mejia Miranda Jezreel, Muñoz Mata Mirna Ariadna

Applying Software Engineering Standards in Very Small Entities From Startups to Grownups

Mejia Miranda Jezreel, Muñoz Mata Mirna Ariadna

Diversidad de la dieta en mujeres que habitan en inseguridad alimentaria en México, beneficiarias de un programa de ayuda alimentaria.

Méndez Gómez Humarán Ignacio

Tendencia en la prevalencia de anemia en mujeres mexicanas en edad reproductiva 2006-2016

Méndez Gómez Humarán Ignacio

Tendencias de la mala nutrición en menores de cinco años de edad en México de 1988 a 2016: Análisis de cinco encuestas nacionales.

Méndez Gómez Humarán Ignacio