Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores:

SNII Nivel I

Grupo de investigación (área):

Ciencias de la Computación

Línea de investigación principal:

Cómputo matemático

Líneas de investigación secundarias:

Robótica y sistemas inteligentes
Ingeniería de Software

Sede de adscripción:


Correo electrónico:

Google Academics

Research Gate

Dr. Hugo Arnoldo Mitre Hernández

Investigador Titular

Publicaciones recientes:

Classifying the Deceptive and Truthful Responses Through Ocular Measures in an Interview Process

Pupillary Responses for Cognitive Load Measurement to Classify Difficulty Levels in an Educational Video Game: Empirical Study

Assessing cognitive load using oculometrics to identify deceit during interviews

2018 Applied Cognitive Psychology, WILEY

Aggregate QoS estimation of service compositions - an analysis of pattern-oriented approaches

Proceedings of the IEEE First International Workshop on Service Orchestration and Choreography for the Future Internet [OrChor / SERVICES 2014]

Designing a strategic measurement program for software engineering organizations: discovering the difficulties and problems

Ingeniería, Investigación y Tecnología