Sistema Nacional de Investigadoras e Investigadores:

SNII Nivel I

Grupo de investigación (área):

Matemáticas Aplicadas

Línea de investigación principal:

Problemas Inversos y Cuantificación de la Incertidumbre

Sede de adscripción:


Correo electrónico:

Página personal

Google Academics

Research Gate

Dra. Lili Guadarrama Bustos

Investigadoras e Investigadores por México

Publicaciones recientes:

Plant Disease Diagnosis in the Visible Spectrum

Elasticity Imaging

2016 Mathematical Sciences with Multidisciplinary Applications - In Honor of Professor Christiane Rousseau and in Recognition of the Mathematics for Planet Earth Initiative (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics vol 157)

Solution of the inverse scattering problem from inhomogeneous media using affine invariant sampling

2016 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

Optimization of an injection moulding process by using recycled plastic as a raw material

2019 IJERA

An optimization problem based on a Bayesian approach for the 2D Helmholtz equation

2020 Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana